A Cloud of Witnesses

Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (C)

Hebrews 12:1-4


In this world we have our troubles
Sometimes lonesome, sometimes blue,
But the hope of life eternal
Brightens all our hopes anew.


I don’t want to get adjusted
To this world, to this world,
I’ve got a home that’s so much better,
I want to go to sooner or later,
I don’t want to get adjusted to this world!

– From the song “I Don’t Want To Get Adjusted”, attributed to Sanford Massingale. This quote is from the version that the folk group The Weavers recorded and sang live in the early 1950’s.  Many recorded versions of this song exist today. 

The terms “adjusted” and “well-adjusted” may be used less frequently now than they were a generation or two ago, but the meaning these terms express remains an ideal in psychology. One dictionary definition for “well-adjusted” is the following: “A well-adjusted person is reasonable and has good judgment. Their behavior is not difficult or strange”. Such a person is seen as socially acceptable and popular, a model for others to imitate. Continue reading “A Cloud of Witnesses”

Will We Make It Through December?

First Sunday of Advent (C)

This year, we begin Advent at the same time that we enter December. The secular Christmas sales machine has been running furiously for some time already. We are not even allowed to pause for one day to give thanks before Black Friday forces itself into our awareness. The stores, decked out in Christmas décor, soothe our harried spirits with holiday muzak.  Our TVs show the expected Christmas fare once again.  Continue reading “Will We Make It Through December?”

Going Back

Friday of the Octave of Easter: John 21:1-14

The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus was once quoted as saying, “You can’t step into the same river twice”. For one thing, a river is always moving and, therefore, always changing. By the time you step into it again, it isn’t quite the same river. Then again, when you step into the river a second time, you aren’t the same you. Our minds and bodies are also moving, changing, learning from experience, maturing and aging.

Yet, we often feel the desire to step into some old river a second time. Some married couples may celebrate an anniversary by going back to some place that was significant early in their relationship. People often return to their high schools or colleges for reunions, or just to see what the place looks like now and to recall some events. Others who have moved far from their birthplaces may feel a desire to go back for a visit, for the same reasons.  Continue reading “Going Back”


This isn’t a reflection on today’s readings, as meaningful and powerful as they are. No, this is an expression of gratitude on my part for all of you who have offered such positive and powerful feedback to me since I began this blog. Some of you have shared a bit of your own stories with me. Somehow, you found something in one of my posts helpful to you in your own life’s challenges. Somehow, the Lord spoke to you through some words of mine. A few of you told me stories about yourselves or others you know who are Aspies as well, and how my blog seems to offer them some hope of finding their own voice and place. I cannot claim much credit for any of this. I share what I am given. You, in turn, have shared what you were given. In such sharing, received in love and gratitude, we experience the healing touch of the Holy Spirit. Continue reading “Feedback”