Catching Up

This blog post has three purposes.

First of all, with due apologies to Mark Twain, I wish to affirm that the reports of my death are somewhat exaggerated!  I remain alive, reasonably well, and a priest of the Diocese of Portland who officially “retired” as of July 1. Continue reading “Catching Up”

Transition Time

This will not be a typical post either in length or in topic.  Rather, this will serve as a quick update as to what is happening with me now.  I haven’t been able to do my usual posts for a couple of weeks, and it may be another week or two before I can resume.  This is to fill all of you in on why this is the case.

The reason is rather simple.  I’ve been in the midst of a move. Continue reading “Transition Time”

And Who Went Home Justified?

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C): Luke 18:9-14

I realize as I get older that I have difficulty meeting so-called normal people. I don’t know what to talk about. I can fool around at the dinner table with people with disabilities, but I can see that I am becoming marginalized. I know it is important to speak to the wider world. But it is not always easy when you discover you are living in      two worlds.  Jean Vanier

Oh, so it’s that story again.  The Pharisee and the tax collector.

“Yeah, yeah, Father, we know all about it”, you might say.  “The Pharisee is boasting, and the tax collector is humble.  God blesses the humble and not the proud. We’re glad that this boastful Pharisee got his nose put down in the end.”

Are you? Are we?

You see, there’s a problem here.  We can rattle off the “correct” answer to this parable of Jesus in our sleep.  But…  but… when it comes to anything that affects our practical, everyday lives, most of us choose the Pharisee.  Every. Single. Time. Continue reading “And Who Went Home Justified?”

Stations of the Cross For Autistic People – Now On Amazon

This is just a quick note to let you know that my Stations of the Cross For Autistic People is now available on Amazon, in either paperback or Kindle format.  You can find them here.

I’m not making any money on this.  This is just to make the Stations available to as many people as possible.

May these Stations help you encounter the wondrous love of Our Lord!