God and Caesar

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time: Matthew 22:15-21

At that he said to them, “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” – Matthew 22:21

Repay to Caesar. Render unto Caesar. Whatever translation we use, this is one of Jesus’ best-known ‘one-liners’.  It has also been one of the most discussed and argued ‘one-liners’ that Jesus ever uttered.

What did Jesus mean? Continue reading “God and Caesar”


Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Matthew 13:24-30

Most people hate weeds.

We hate them in our gardens. We hate them coming up through cracks in our driveways or sidewalks. We hate them in our backyards. We hate them in our dooryards.

Weeds are like green eggs and ham. We do not like them, Sam I am!  Continue reading “Weeds”