Jesus in Capernaum

Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (B)

As we read the first chapter of Mark’s Gospel, it feels like a spiritual D-Day. Jesus appears in Capernaum. He quickly establishes a spiritual beachhead, healing, teaching, and driving out evil spirits. Having liberated that place, he moves on to take the rest of Galilee by the end of our Gospel passage.

Today’s segment of that story is not long, but it is dense. It leaves us with plenty of food for thought and prayer. I will focus on three moments in this passage and offer some reflections on each. Continue reading “Jesus in Capernaum”

The Holy One Of God

Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (A)

So… how are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions?

Some of you, having been down this road (without much success) one time too many, may have given up on such resolutions. Others, who are still trying, may find it very hard to stick with them – even after only four weeks.

Why is that? Why should it be so difficult? After all, whenever we make New Year’s resolutions, we make them with every good intention of following through. We pick some bad habit we seek to curb, or some good habit we seek to promote, and focus on that. We try to eat better, to do more exercise, to be more available to family and friends, or more generous to those in need. We try to pray more consistently. We may try some other good resolution. We are excited about it, we want it, and we commit to it. It seems to be consistent with our best values, and with what the Lord has taught us. Why do we stumble? Continue reading “The Holy One Of God”

The Time of Fulfillment

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (B)

When you hear or read the Gospel for this Sunday, try putting yourself in the story. Imagine that you are like Peter or John. You are going about your business, as you do every day: at home, at work, at school, or wherever you find yourself. Then, from out of the blue, a Stranger approaches, someone you have never met before. That person says, simply, “The time is at hand. Follow me.” That’s it. No résumé, no explanation, no time to ponder it.

Follow me. Now. Continue reading “The Time of Fulfillment”

Hearing the Lord’s Call

2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (B)

“Speak, for your servant is listening.” – 1 Samuel 3:10

Although a winter’s walk in the woods is usually a serene experience (unless you’re near a snowmobile trail), once spring returns, nature is not a quiet place. One can hear the calls of birds, peepers, insects, squirrels, and coyotes, to name just a few. The calls are a means to attract mates, or to mark off territory, or to warn off intruders. So many animals are wired for sound – and, more specifically, wired to hear the call of others.  Continue reading “Hearing the Lord’s Call”

Trusting In The Word

Epiphany (B) – Matthew 2:1-12

Heather, a woman who had been searching for something to believe in for years, feels drawn at last to the Catholic faith. She becomes part of the RCIA process at the local parish. Having had little religious background or education, everything she sees and learns is new and exciting to her. Everything seems to  confirm for her that God has indeed led her there. Her interest and excitement are easily seen by other parishioners. Some find it an inspiration and a challenge to their own life of faith. Others shrug it off with a bemused, “knowing” smile. “She’s new and naïve”, they say among themselves. “She’ll learn someday.” Continue reading “Trusting In The Word”