Is Christ Divided?

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (A): 1 Cor 1:10-17

McDonald’s or Burger King? Ford or Chevy? The Beatles or the Stones? Apple or Android? The Patriots or the Steelers? Democrat or Republican? “Native” or “from away”?

We like to think of ourselves as mature, independent thinkers who follow our own path in life. This may be true at times, but in reality, we behave like sheep – or, like the turkeys in this photo. The world can feel like a big and scary place, where one could easily get lost or overwhelmed. We instinctively look for the safety of a group – a group in which we can feel at home. We look to this group for companionship, guidance and protection. The group becomes a big part of our self-definition.  Continue reading “Is Christ Divided?”