Coronavirus and Faith

A Catholic Response to COVID-19

For the last several weeks, we have been watching the coronavirus epidemic unfold, from its beginnings in China barely two months ago to the first confirmed case in Maine this week.  The World Health Organization has formally pronounced the coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic – meaning that it has spread worldwide.  Several aspects of the coronavirus outbreak create or heighten anxieties and fears.  For one thing, this is a new strain, and medical professionals are still learning about it.  For another, we have seen media reports of its effects and the responses various countries have made to it.  We have seen people of all walks of life affected by it.  Many activities that we take for granted have been delayed or cancelled because of it.  Our economy is affected by it. Continue reading “Coronavirus and Faith”

Misfits For Christ

Second Sunday of Lent (A)


Did you miss me?  : )

First, a brief personal comment.  Then, my reflection on this Sunday’s readings.

Whenever I do not send out a post, it is usually because I have been hit with a significant headache and find it painful to look at a glowing display. On one Saturday, the headache was so bad, and my efforts to control it so futile, that I had no choice but to cancel Confessions and Mass that afternoon. Mass in front of a larger crowd – as one would get on Sundays – is doubly difficult for me. I feel the energy flow from all these people hitting me, as though I were standing right in front of a bright spotlight.  I also am very sensitive to certain sounds. It’s called hyperacusis. The crinkling of a cough drop wrapper, or someone whispering in the back, can be annoying, even painful, for me.  I cannot go to the annual Chrism Mass because it is not sensory-friendly, nor is anyone there likely to turn down the music volume just for me.  The solution is to have Mass only for small groups at the most.  This also is in harmony with my contemplative calling.  My psychologist’s recommendation agrees with this.  It looks like I’ll need to hang in there for another year before I can have this happen for me.  I simply can’t afford to make ends meet otherwise – not until I am old enough to begin to collect Social Security (June 2021).   Please keep me in your prayers so that I can survive in the meantime. Continue reading “Misfits For Christ”